While James Comey jet sets across the country selling books and espousing misinformation about our President, he is hiding from the truth.

Comey, like many other Obama appointees, including Hillary Clinton and Loretta Lynch, has ignored our laws and have gotten away with it. This bypass of due diligence has been dismissively overlooked due to their connections to high-powered, politically-connected friends. This cannot be tolerated. The truth must prevail and justice must be served.

Today, we see the law ignored for the political elite while they are being bestowed with special treatment and free passes. This became abundantly clear in the waning years of the Obama era, where officials across our government ignored or violated our laws. This has not stopped them from continuing on in their practices, care-free of further inquiry or investigation.

That is why I am proud to have joined with ten of my colleagues in asking Jeff Sessions and the Justice Department to investigate officials who were at some of the highest levels of our government. Although they held high status, they have not faced the rigorous investigation that an ordinary American would have been challenged with for alleged crimes.

Our founding fathers never intended for the political elites to benefit at the expense of the American people. Those who have the honor of serving in high authority in our government cannot flagrantly abuse their position and walk away without answering to their potential crimes. Nor can members of our government receive a weakened investigation because of their status and connections. These sorts of violations risk undermining our entire system of justice, and ultimately undermine the fabric of what has made our nation exceptional.

It is paramount that the Justice Department responds to this letter with swift action. This letter sends a loud, clear message to the political elite in this country who have been able to receive a pass from justice.

We ultimately are seeking justice for the American people. The restoration and revival of the rule of law in this country cannot come soon enough. We should strive to set the example of equality under the law because our nation is the beacon of light and hope to so many people around the world.

As a congressman, I understand the weight of my position, and the importance of safeguarding our republic. Unfortunately, crooked people who served in high government positions have undermined the public trust while showing flagrant disregard for the rule of law.

We must, as a united people, stand for the rule of law. Today, we urge Attorney General Sessions to do the same and investigate these potential crimes. Because in the end, the truth always wins, and we will fight together to make sure that it does.

Todd Rokita is a U.S. Representative serving Indiana’s Fourth Congressional District. He is currently running for the GOP nomination in Indiana’s U.S. Senate race.