President Donald Trump celebrated April’s 3.9 percent unemployment number on Twitter Friday morning, pointing out that the rate had finally fallen below four percent.

“JUST OUT: 3.9% Unemployment. 4% is Broken!” he wrote.

The United States economy added 164,000 jobs in April, as unemployment fell to 3.9 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. That marks a new 18-year low.

The unemployment rate for black Americans fell to a low of 6.6 percent, the lowest rate on record, and Hispanic unemployment tied its record low of 4.8 percent.

Trump appeared frustrated that special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation was taking away attention from his administration’s economic accomplishments.

“In the meantime, WITCH HUNT!” Trump added.

The president further commented on the positive economic news as he left the White House to travel to Dallas, Texas.

“I thought the jobs report was very good. The big thing for me was cracking four, that hasn’t been done in a long time,” Trump said. “The stock market is doing, I guess it’s up 35 percent since the election.”