New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman has a record of championing leftist women’s groups, now undermined by allegations of physical abuse from several women.

“Are we ready to fight against male supremacy in all its forms!?“ he asked the cheering crowd of protesters at the New York City Women’s March in 2018. He also spoke at the Women’s March in 2017, according to a photo from his Flickr account.

The Women’s March group championed Schneiderman as a hero, but only sided with his accusers on Twitter after the Attorney General announced his decision to resign in the face of the allegations.

“The detailed accounts of these women is harrowing, traumatic and painful,” the organization wrote on Twitter. “We stand with them to demand justice and accountability.”

The org sent its message about an hour and a half after Schneiderman issued his resignation statement.

In February, the Women’s March group praised Schneiderman for “shining a light on the system of corporate coverups and corruption” after he announced an investigation of Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein for sexual assault.

Schneiderman also championed the mission of Planned Parenthood, attending a gala supporting their mission with failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.