Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin reportedly said on Thursday that hearing about Sen. John McCain’s (R-AZ) comments about regretting putting the populist icon on the 2008 ticket is like a “perpetual gut-punch.”

Palin also told the Daily Mail before headlining a fundraiser for a pro-Trump political action committee that McCain has apologized repeatedly to her over the years for how his snooty establishment advisers treated her.

“That’s not what Sen. McCain has told me all these years, as he’s apologized to me repeatedly for the people who ran his campaign – some who now staff MSNBC, the newsroom there, which tells you a lot,” Palin reportedly said, presumably referring to Nicolle Wallace, the in-over-her-head and disloyal hack who proudly admitted to the legacy media that she did not even bother to vote for McCain in 2008.

The New York Times reported over the weekend that in an upcoming HBO documentary about McCain, the Arizona Senator reportedly says that choosing Palin over Joe Lieberman was “another mistake” that he made in his political career. In his new book, Restless Wave, McCain also reportedly writes that he regrets not picking Lieberman.

Palin also said she attributes a lot McCain’s recent statements to “his ghostwriter or ghostwriters.”

“In spite of everything that has erupted in these past days with his spokesperson – or perhaps he himself – saying that he regrets that they chose me to run on their ticket,” Palin reportedly added, “despite all that, he has been my friend.”

Palin also reportedly said that she was “disappointed” that Trump disparaged McCain’s history of service by saying McCain was not a war hero because he was captured.

Though some of McCain’s establishment allies—like Wallace and her partner-in-incompetence Steve Schmidt—have trashed Palin (Wallace admitted that she helped Julianne Moore prepare for the fictional Game Change movie that was nothing more than a smear job) to cover up their campaign malpractice and get their heads patted by the legacy media like they have always craved, Palin has been loyal to the Senator who gave her a national platform.

In fact, McCain most likely would not even be in the Senate today had Palin, despite getting considerable heat from Tea Party conservatives, not endorsed and campaigned with McCain in 2010 when he was up for reelection and facing primary challengers from the right.