The Club for Growth Action launched an ad campaign on Tuesday against former Montana judge Russell Fagg for being soft on crime, suggesting that “Fagg’s decisions made Montanans less safe.”

Club for Growth Action launched a new ad entitled “Objection,” which reveals Russell Fagg’s history for being soft on crime. The Club for Growth also unveiled, which highlights Fagg’s history as a judge.

Club for Growth Action President David McIntosh said in a statement on Tuesday:

Russell Fagg wants Montanans to think that he’s tough on crime. His record on the bench tells a different story. Montanans deserve to know the truth about the decisions Fagg made while on the bench. The truth, fully documented by court records and local news reporting, is Fagg’s decisions made Montanans less safe.

The transcript of the ad runs as follows:

When Russ Fagg claims he protected Montana families, he’s not telling the whole truth.

After Matthew Green assaulted a child, choked his wife, and came at her with a knife, he faced 50 years in prison.

Fagg put him away for just five years.

The mom testified, “My children watched him beat me up for 45 minutes.”

Still, Fagg cut 45 years off the maximum sentence.

Russ Fagg: he’s tough on victims.

Fagg hopes to secure the Montana Senate Republican primary seat. However, Fagg trails state auditor and Montana rancher Matt Rosendale in the polls.

The Montana Senate Republican primary is on June 5.

Breitbart News reported last week Russell Fagg supports an Internet sales tax for the state of Montana.

Rosendale said in an exclusive interview with Breitbart News Saturday last week that Montanans want nothing to do with an Internet sales tax.

Rosendale told Breitbart News Saturday:

The people of Montana have made it clear for decades that they don’t want to see another tax. We do not have a sales tax right now, and to introduce another tax in any form or fashion, folks aren’t just going to support that. The thing is that we’ve got Sen. Daines, Congressman Gianforte [R-MT], the [Montana] Attorney General Tim Fox, we all oppose any type of a new tax.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) wrote in a Montana Independent Record op-ed last week that rancher and state auditor Matt Rosendale is “a fearless conservative leader.”