Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) mangled a famous Texas saying while delivering a speech on the Senate floor Wednesday so badly that he unintentionally praised President Donald Trump for the outcome of the Singapore Summit with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un.

For generations, Texans have referred to a person who talks big but is unable to deliver as someone who is “all hat and no cattle.”

New York’s left-wing “urban cowboy” reversed the words when he attempted to deliver what he intended to be a stinging rebuke of Trump’s historic accomplishments in Singapore on Tuesday.

“This summit was much more show than substance. What the Texans call ‘all cattle, no hat.'” Schumer said on the Senate floor.

You can watch the video of Schumer delivering those comments here, beginning at the 21:44 mark of C-SPAN 2’s coverage of the Senate on Wednesday:

Twitter erupted in hilarity over Schumer’s malapropism.

“No cowboy, that guy,” Fox News analyst Britt Hume tweeted of the senator.

“New Yorkers should not try to be Texans,” George Rodriguez tweeted.

“So I guess you are saying that the NK Summit was ALL substance (all cattle)? I hope you are ALWAYS one of Trump’s opponents!” Kathleen Thorpe tweeted.

“This is very embarrassing – even I know the correct Texan phraseology – Chuck Schumer is all hat no cattle!” Andrew Mortimer tweeted.

“He just lost the Texas vote,” Dr. Howard tweeted of Schumer.

“Almost drove off the road!” tweeted Dennis Hensley, who heard Schumer’s comments on the radio driving home.

Senator Schumer has offered no explanation for how he mangled such a simple phrase.