The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) was caught Wednesday apparently changing its headline on a report exploring Canada’s detention of migrants after prime minister Justin Trudeau criticized the Trump administration’s family separation policy.

According to the CBC report, 11 of the 151 children detained by the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) were held without an adult in the past year.

Canadian authorities would not reveal why the children were separated from the adults.

Trudeau told reporters on Wednesday that he believes the separation of immigrant children from their families by U.S. border agents  is “wrong.”

“I can’t imagine what the families living through this are enduring. Obviously, this is not the way we do things in Canada,” he added.

Following Trudeau’s comments, the CBC’s headline appears to have changed from ‘Canada also detains migrant children, sometimes for months at a time,’ to a less critical one, which now reads, ‘Canada aims to avoid detaining migrant children, but it happens.

The psychological effects on minors detained by Canadian authorities have caused concern among academics.

Minors were found left “idle, sleeping or lying on the couches for long periods during the day,” and some experienced “psychiatric and academic difficulties long after detention,” a McGill University study says.