President Donald Trump declared Tuesday that if it weren’t for his efforts in seeking a denuclearized Korea peninsula, the United States would be at war with North Korea by now.

“Many good conversations with North Korea-it is going well!” Trump opened the post.

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders made similar comments during Monday’s press briefing when asked about reports that North Korea is attempting to deceive the U.S. and maintaining a nuclear program. “We aren’t going to confirm or deny any intelligence reports. What I can tell you is that we’re continuing to make progress,” she said. “Ambassador Kim had a meeting just yesterday with members of the North Korean delegation. And Secretary Pompeo, as I just mentioned, will be headed to North Korea later this week.”

Trump’s statement reaffirmed the conversations between the U.S. and North Korea, “Many good conversations with North Korea-it is going well!”

“In the meantime, no Rocket Launches or Nuclear Testing in 8 months,” the President said of progress on the relationship between the two nations and a decline on North Korea’s outward military aggression. “All of Asia is thrilled.”

“Only the Opposition Party, which includes the Fake News, is complaining. If not for me, we would now be at War with North Korea!” said President Trump.

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