Breitbart News’ “rap sheet” of violence and harassment toward conservatives and Trump supporters has now reached the milestone of 500 incidents.

Ever since Donald Trump announced his intention to run for president, the American left has responded with unhinged vitriol, violent fantasies, and mob attacks — targeting Trump and anyone associated with him. The worst part of this climate of hate is that establishment media — the professionals, the respectable guardians of truth — are purposely fanning the flames.

Over the weekend, far-left activists and pundits were prolific with threats and intimidation against Trump and anyone associated with him. A British Greenpeace protester was arrested after he buzzed a Scottish golf course where Trump was playing, riding a motorized paraglider. A former Clinton White House staffer fantasized about beating up Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY). And protesters demonstrated outside Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump’s D.C. home for several consecutive days.

Please email with tips on incidents that could be added to this list.