President Donald Trump refused Monday to draw a “red line” in his budget negotiations with Democrats after floating the idea of a government shutdown in September.

The president commented on the issue during a joint press conference with Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte.

“I have no red line, unlike President Obama,” Trump said referring to his predecessor when asked if the $25 billion needed for the wall was a “red line” for negotiation. “I just want great border security.”

Congress faces a September 30 deadline to fund the government.

But Trump repeated his willingness to consider a shutdown, although he said there was room for negotiation.

“We have laws that don’t work,” Trump said, praising ICE and border security agents for enforcing the law against criminal illegals.

He said that needed border security reforms included the wall, the visa lottery, catch-and-release policies, and immigration laws.

“I would be certainly willing to close it down to get it done,” he said.