Donald Trump Jr. criticized the leftists in the media and academia on Wednesday, during a speech at the premiere of the new Dinesh D’Souza film in Washington, DC.

“Nothing that academia and media have sold to the next generation and to our children is actually based on real truth and fact and history,” Trump Jr. said.

He said that D’Souza’s new film “Death of a Nation” succeeded in reintroducing facts about historical events like the horrors of Nazism and slavery.

“I watch people on TV every day screaming about fascism and about Nazism, and attributing that to not only my father but to everybody on the conservative side of things,” he said. “It just seems so contrary to everything that I’ve learned and everything that I’ve seen.”

Trump Jr. praised his father President Donald Trump for his willingness to stand and fight, blaming Republicans for taking the punches and claiming the moral high ground by losing fights with the left.

He acknowledged that it was “unlikely” that a “brash billionaire from New York City” turned out to be “the voice of the blue-collar worker” in America.

Trump Jr. urged supporters to work for Republicans in the mid-term elections.

“It’s all on the ticket in 2018,” he said. “It’s all up for grabs.”