President Donald Trump’s “hire American” economy has secured record low unemployment for the country’s most vulnerable workers: high school dropouts.

In the month of July, high school dropouts 25-years-old and over enjoyed the lowest unemployment rate ever since the Bureau of Labor Statistics began tracking the data in 1992.

The unemployment rate in July for high school dropouts stood at 5.1 percent, the lowest on record, further depicting an economy where Americans are increasingly reintegrated into the workforce rather than businesses importing low-skilled foreign workers to take blue collar U.S. jobs.

Trump’s economic model has been to depart from the Washington, D.C.-imposed cheap labor economy where businesses readily import low-skilled foreign workers to take bottom line jobs in the American economy.

Instead, the Trump model has been to tighten the labor market — partially through increased immigration enforcement — asking businesses to hire Americans who have been marginalized from the workforce. This economic model has secured higher wages for blue collar American workers as there is less downward pressure on their hourly salaries from mass unskilled, illegal immigration.

As Breitbart News most recently reported, Trump’s high wage, hire American economy has opened new job opportunities for Americans with disabilities.

The tight labor market has benefited regions of the Rust Belt as well. In central and western Wisconsin, wages have risen by nearly four percent, as Breitbart News reported. Meanwhile, retirees have been reintegrated back into the workforce.

Breitbart News has also reported extensively on how the tight labor market has brought new job opportunities for Americans with disabilities and helped lower the demographic group’s unemployment rate.

There has also been history-making wage growth for American workers in the construction industry, the garment industry, for workers employed at small businessesblack Americans, and restaurant workers.

The tight labor market has also secured higher wages for overtime workers and high-paying, coveted white-collar jobs for American teenagers. Most recently, Breitbart News reported that the construction industry has had to recruit women to take jobs at higher wages rather than hiring illegal aliens. A Chick-Fil-A in California has even raised wages to $18 an hour to retain workers.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder