The unemployment rate for Americans with some college courses under their belt or who hold associate degrees has remained at a 17-year low for July 2018.

The latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics reveals that Americans at the bottom line of the U.S. economy are continuing to make large gains in employment.

For July 2018, the unemployment rate for Americans who dropped out of college or who have associate degrees remained steady at 3.2 percent. This is the same record low that was recorded two months ago. Not since August 2001 have so many associate degree-holders and college dropouts held jobs in the labor force.

Likewise, as Breitbart News noted, unemployment for high school dropouts has hit a record, all-time low standing at 5.1 percent.

Trump’s economic model has been to depart from the Washington, D.C.-imposed cheap labor economy where businesses readily import low-skilled foreign workers to take bottom line jobs in the American economy.

Instead, the Trump model has been to tighten the labor market — partially through increased immigration enforcement — asking businesses to hire Americans who have been marginalized from the workforce. This economic model has secured higher wages for blue collar American workers as there is less downward pressure on their hourly salaries from mass unskilled, illegal immigration.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder