A bipartisan majority of mayors across the political spectrum endorsed Attorney General Adam Laxalt for governor of Nevada on Monday.

Eleven mayors across Nevada endorsed Laxalt for governor. The list of mayors includes Republicans, Independents, and Democratic mayors.

Laxalt said in a statement on Monday:

We’ve been working with leaders in all zip codes and all political parties to get results for the people. It has been a privilege to serve alongside these mayors, protecting Nevadans as Attorney General. As Governor, I’ll keep working with everyone to improve education, create more prosperity, and keep people safe.

Winnemucca Mayor Di An Putnam said, “Adam Laxalt has stepped up to defend Nevada’s unique identity over and over again. He’s pushed back on the federal government when they go too far and defended our principles. I trust him to lead our state in the years to come.”

“Adam Laxalt represents everyone. It doesn’t matter what their political party is or where they’re from. He cares about them. I know he’ll make an excellent Governor,” Mesquite Mayor Al Litman said.

Elko mayor Chris Johnson said, “Adam Laxalt puts the people first—not politics. He’s gotten results as Attorney General and will be a bold leader as Governor.

Attorney General Laxalt handily won the Nevada gubernatorial primary in June. Laxalt is a former lieutenant in the Navy and grandson of former Sen. and Nevada Gov. Paul Laxalt as well as the son of former Sen. Pete Domenici of New Mexico.

President Donald Trump strongly endorsed Laxalt for governor of Nevada in June, contending that he will fight to lower taxes and combat crime in the state.

Trump wrote, “I strongly endorse Adam Laxalt for Governor of Nevada. Adam is smart, works hard, and knows how to win. He will be a great Governor. Also, will fight hard to lower your taxes and is tough on crime!