Mike Braun’s U.S. Senate campaign launched new digital ads on Friday, reminding Hoosiers that Sen. Joe Donnelly (D-IN) outsourced jobs to Mexico from Indiana.

Indiana businessman Mike Braun’s campaign contended in a press release on Friday that Donnelly continues to spread “false information” about Braun’s company, despite his record of outsourcing American jobs to Mexico.

Josh Kelley, Mike Braun’s campaign spokesman, said in a statement on Friday, “Career politician Joe Donnelly and his fellow New Yorker liberal Chuck Schumer are desperate to distract Hoosiers from Senator Donnelly’s record of profiting from outsourcing jobs to Mexico and importing goods from China.”

Last year the Associated Press (AP) reported that while Sen. Donnelly chastised Carrier Crop. for moving manufacturing jobs to Mexico, he profited from a family business that relied on Mexican labor to produce dye for ink pads.

Sen. Donnelly’s brother runs the company. However, Joe Donnelly previously served as a corporate officer and general counsel before he was elected to Congress in 2006.

In a financial disclosure,  Donnelly owned as much as $50,000 in company stock and earned between $15,001 and $50,000 in dividends in 2016 alone.

Donelly has long attacked free-trade policies for hollowing out America’s manufacturing sector. However, Donelly’s family arts and crafts business, Stewart  Superior Corp., profited from the very same trade and low wage labor policies the senator has decried.

Donnelly, during his first run for the House in 2004, railed against the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and called “outsourcing,” “a fancy term for ‘Someone in Indiana has just lost their job.”

Sen. Donnelly even sponsored the End Outsourcing Act, which would require that businesses disclose jobs moved overseas, deny tax incentives to those companies, and require the federal government to take into account a company’s outsourcing practice when awarding contracts.

On Wednesday, Braun released a new ad, which contrasted Braun’s history of creating hundreds of jobs to Donnelly outsourcing jobs to Mexico.

Kelley concluded his statement, “The truth is: every job Mike Braun creates is an American job, 95% of Mike’s suppliers are American, and career Democrat Donnelly is clearly willing to say and do anything to keep his job.”