President Donald Trump responded on Thursday to speculation from Democrats that he could face impeachment after his former lawyer Michael Cohen entered a plea deal with prosecutors.

“I don’t know how you can impeach somebody who’s done a great job,” Trump said in an interview on Fox and Friends. “If I ever got impeached I think the market would crash, I think everybody would be very poor because without this thinking you would see numbers that you wouldn’t believe in reverse.”

Trump said that impeachment was for “high crimes and misdemeanors” and that Cohen pleaded guilty to something that was not even a crime.

The president admitted that Cohen made a “great deal” with prosecutors to avoid serious jail time for crimes unrelated to his campaign.

“I know all about flipping … it almost ought to be outlawed. It’s not fair,” Trump said, saying that Cohen was making up stories and lies about him in order to reduce his prison sentence.

Trump said that Cohen made the deals to pay two women who claimed an affair with the president and that he found out about the payments “later on.”

“They didn’t come out of the campaign, they came from me,” he said.

The president additionally criticized Attorney General Jeff Sessions for failing to control the Justice Department.

“I put an attorney general that never took control of the Justice Department,” Trump said. “Jeff Sessions. Never took control of the Justice Department.”

He added that with Sessions leading the Justice Department, “I always put ‘Justice’ in quotes.”