Bernie Marcus writes in the Hill of the danger to small business and the surging economy if Obama appointee Mark Pearce is reappointed to the National Labor Relations Board:

President Trump is reportedly being urged to compromise with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and reappoint National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) member Mark Pearce, a Democrat whose term ends Monday, to another five-year session.
Such a decision would disappoint the president’s small-business supporters because it would keep a longstanding opponent of entrepreneurship in power.

The NLRB rules on employer-employee relations, and its five members are ideologically split. Given how many major NLRB rulings are determined by a single vote, a Pearce reappointment would be a shot across the bow of the current small-business-driven economic boom.

Perhaps those supporting the Democrat reappointment are confusing the NLRB’s lack of public recognition with its lack of importance. This is a big mistake. Pearce, along with the rest of the Obama-era NLRB, were behind numerous decisions that threaten small businesses, employee freedom, and economic opportunity.

Read the rest of the editorial here.