Ahead of President Donald Trump’s rally in Evansville, Indiana, on Thursday evening, a black supporter of the president told the Fox Business Network he “can’t keep up with the jobs” created under the current administration.

Reporting live from outside Evansville’s Ford Center, the venue for President Trump’s campaign rally in support of Republican Indiana senatorial candidate Mike Braun running against incumbent Democrat Sen. Joe Donnelly, Fox Business Network correspondent Jeff Flock asked Tony Hughes for his thoughts on the current economic climate.

“I can tell you right now. I saw jobs when Obama was in office, and I saw jobs when Trump’s in office, it’s night and day,” Hughes told Flock. I couldn’t go out in rural communities and get a job when Obama was president. I can’t keep up with the jobs now that Trump is in office.”

It’s no secret that the commander in chief is working hard to spur job creation among minority groups.

“Under President Trump, black employment has grown by an average of nearly 40,000 each month. In January 2017, the black unemployment rate stood at 7.8 percent. It’s now at 6.6 percent,” Trump campaign advisor Jason D. Meister wrote in an opinion-editorial last week. “The number of black Americans with a job has risen by 708,000 from last year. Not only are black wages and incomes up since the election of Donald Trump – black employment has repeatedly hit historic highs.”

In a meeting with President Trump at the White House earlier this month, pastors praised the administration’s efforts aimed at boosting the economic prospects of inner-city communities across the U.S. “I will say this, this administration has taken a lot of people by surprise… this is probably the most proactive administration regarding urban American and the faith-based community in my lifetime,” Pastor Darrell Scott of Cleveland Heights, Ohio, said at the gathering. “To be honest, this is probably going to be the most pro-black president in our lifetime.”

President Trump took to Twitter on Thursday morning to announce he would be holding a campaign rally in Evansville in support of Braun. “Will be going to Evansville, Indiana, tonight for a big crowd rally with Mike Braun, a very successful businessman who is campaigning to be Indiana’s next U.S. Senator,” the president tweeted. “He is strong on Crime & Borders, the 2nd Amendment, and loves our Military & Vets. Will be a big night!”

A recent poll conducted by The Trafalgar Group shows Donnelly leading Braun 51-39.