Alfred Ortiz of Job Creators Network writes in the Hill that voters need only examine their wallets and pocketbooks to determine how to vote in the upcoming midterm elections.

Are you better off than you were two years ago?

This is the question that you should ask yourself before deciding who to vote for on Election Day. If the answer is yes, you should ignore the political sideshows consuming the legacy media and vote for the party responsible for your heavier pocketbooks.

Since Election Day 2016, Americans are significantly better off by every major economic measure.

The unemployment rate has fallen by 20 percent to 3.9 percent and has remained below four percent for the longest stretch in 50 years. Black and Hispanic unemployment rates are at their lowest level on record. This means that virtually any American who wants a job can get one.
This sizzling job market is drawing people who had dropped out of the workforce entirely back to work. The prime-age workforce has grown by about half a million more than the long-run trend suggested it would. This is providing opportunity to the least employable jobseekers on the margin of the labor market. Unemployment insurance claims are at a 50 year low.

Read the rest of the piece here.