President Donald Trump repeatedly pointed to recent increases in Republican enthusiasm during a Fox and Friends interview on Thursday. He said that was an indicator of midterm election day victory, so long as people still get out and vote.

“Kevin [Cramer] is just a great person,” the president said of the Republican challenging Democrat Sen. Heidi Heitkamp in North Dakota.

“People have to still get out and vote,” president Trump urged.

“On many of the Senate races, races that we didn’t think we had a chance, we’re going to at least do very well and in many cases I think we’re going to win,” Trump predicted. He said many House races have been called wrong and, “I really think the Republicans are very energized, much more so now than two or three weeks ago.”

Hosts asked the president about a increased lead for Sen. Ted Cruz in Texas over Democrat Beto O’Rourke and how Republicans keep enthusiasm up through election day.

“I really think they have it naturally,” said Trump. “Even before Justice [Brett] Kavanaugh. If you look at over last month or two months…I didn’t believe the polls because I think they have tremendous energy. I think the Republicans have tremendous energy. They want to keep their 401ks…You know they’re up 40-50 percent in 401ks.”

He was then asked how it will affect his ability to get things done if Democrats were to win the House.

“I see the spirit the Republicans have and I really believe we’re going to be successful,” Trump reinforced. He called Pennsylvania redistricting “really unfair,” but that he thinks Republicans will do well.

“It’s not about me right now, it’s about individual races,” he said. “If we lose the majority in the House, which is always a possibility, we will probably just have to fight it out and it’s a shame.” He said this would lead to “wasting a lot of time, but we’ll just have to fight it out because there’s a lot of haters and they’re just absolute haters.”

“Can we get along? Maybe,” Trump resolved, pointing to a shared interest between Republicans and Democrats in getting an infrastructure deal done. “There’s something that can bring us together.”

“Yesterday they were talking about impeaching Judge Kavanaugh,” said Trump expressing shock over the talk.

Michelle Moons is a White House Correspondent for Breitbart News — follow on Twitter @MichelleDiana and Facebook