President Donald Trump responded Thursday to Oprah Winfrey’s campaign for Stacy Abrams, a Democrat running for Governor of the State of Georgia.

“The woman that she’s supporting is not qualified to be the governor of Georgia by any stretch of the imagination,” Trump said.

Trump said that Abrams’ history and her ideas made her unqualified for the governorship.

“Take a look at her past, take a look at her history, take a look at what she wants to do and what she has in mind for the state. That state will be in big, big trouble very quickly,” he said.

The president commented on the Georgia race for governor after reporters asked him to respond to Winfrey’s campaign rallies in Georgia.

He did not have a negative comment for Winfrey.

“Oprah’s liked me very much, I’ve always liked her,” Trump said, noting that he was a guest on her show during it’s last week on television.

The president noted that he would travel to Georgia in the remaining days left before the election to support Republican candidate Brian Kemp.

“I think Brian’s going to be a great governor of Georgia,” Trump said.