President Donald Trump campaigned in Ohio on Monday, urging his supporters to flood the polls to send another message to Democrats.

“Tuesday is your chance to send a message to the Democrat mob … tomorrow with your votes, you can stop the radical resistance in its tracks,” he said.

He compared the race to the 2016 presidential election, noting that even though he was not on the ballot, his policies were.

“Two years ago we shocked the Washington establishment and stunned the world when we defied the pundits and the critics, we rejected them and the failures of the corrupt status quo,” he said.

The president said he was experiencing heightened energy on the campaign trail, similar to that of his presidential campaign.

“Something is going on, and they are not happy back there, the media is not happy,” he said.

Trump said that Democrats were doing everything they could to stop his agenda so that they could “claw their way back into power.”

He said that the midterm elections were more popular and more important than ever.

“The midterm elections used to be like boring,” Trump said. “Now it’s like the hottest thing.”

Breitbart News reporter Alana Mastrangelo attended the rally. View her photos below:

President Donald Trump rallies with supporters in Cleveland, Ohio

President Donald Trump rallies with supporters in Cleveland, Ohio

President Donald Trump rallies in Cleveland, OH