After actor Jim Carrey depicted Senator Ted Cruz as a “bloodsucker” being slain by Beto O’Rourke in a painting posted to Twitter on Sunday, Cruz fired back.

“Go Beto! Go Democrats! Vote like there’s no tomorrow,” Carrey tweeted alongside the image. “Let’s make this Tuesday like the end of every great vampire movie. Pull back the curtains and let the sunshine turn all those bloodsuckers to dust.”

Cruz replied just shy of 2PM on Monday afternoon, turning Carrey’s vitriol against him. “Hollywood liberals all in for Beto,” Cruz tweeted. “But (self-described socialist) Jim Carrey made a mistake here: Vampires are dead, and everyone knows the dead vote Democrat….”

Hollywood has staked their hopes behind Cruz’s Senate challenger, Beto O’Rourke. Among those who have donated to his campaign to oust Ted Cruz from office are Sarah Jessica Parker, Jimmy Kimmel, Rosie O’Donnell, and Chelsea Handler.

But O’Rourke has tried to distance himself from Democrat political aid, even from former President Barack Obama, despite claiming not to. “I’m not distancing myself,” he told 60 Minutes, “but I don’t want anyone coming in from the outside. I want the people of Texas to decide this on, on their own terms.”

On Tuesday, November 6th, Texans — and the rest of the nation — will do just that.