The American Medical Association (AMA) will place gender ideology above biological science as it adopts a new policy that affirms the “medical spectrum of gender.”

“The AMA will oppose efforts to deny an individual’s right to determine their stated sex marker or gender identity,” says the group in a policy statement in the wake of a report by the New York Times that the Trump administration will formally establish a legal definition of sex based on biological identification as either male or female.

“Sex and gender are more complex than previously assumed,” said AMA board member William E. Kobler, MD, adding:

It is essential to acknowledge that an individual’s gender identity may not align with the sex assigned to them at birth. A narrow limit on the definition of sex would have public health consequences for the transgender population and individuals born with differences in sexual differentiation, also known as intersex traits.

AMA says it plans to launch educational campaigns for state and federal lawmakers to assert their claim that identification by biological sex is no longer scientific.

The AMA policy reflects the adoption of gender ideology, which demands that the federal government enforce rules that help people easily switch their legal sex, regardless of biology. The ideology, promoted during the Obama administration, has pushed to eliminate many single-sex institutions, including athletic leagues, showers, and bathrooms.

However, Caitlin Oakley, national spokesperson and senior advisor to the office of the assistant secretary for public affairs at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), said in a statement that the Obama-era definition of “sex” has already been “enjoined by a federal court on a nationwide basis in December 2016 and the Obama administration did not appeal.”

Oakley explained further:

That court found that the Obama administration regulation was overbroad and inconsistent with the text of the 1972 Title IX law prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sex. The court order remains in full force and effect today and HHS is bound by it as we continue to review the issue. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect and HHS’s Office for Civil Rights will continue to vigorously enforce all laws as written and passed by Congress, prohibiting discrimination in healthcare on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, and disability.

Dr. Quentin Van Meter, president of the American College of Pediatricians, has seen the effects of gender ideology on children, and asserts the belief that one is born into the wrong body is “delusional.”

Van Meter, who was a fellow at Johns Hopkins University during the time when psychologist John Money sowed the seeds of transgenderism, told Breitbart News in an interview that children who have come to him claiming to be in the wrong body have “come from a totally dysfunctional family.”

“There’s nothing normal about the environment where these children are brought up,” he said. “There are emotional traumas left and right. It is so obvious that what we’re doing is painting over the trauma.”

The AMA’s stated policy mirrors that of the Democrat Party.

In a letter to HHS secretary Alex Azar earlier in November, 98 House Democrats protested the Trump administration’s anticipated proposal, calling it a “brazen and targeted attack on the lives of 2 million Americans.”

Democrats added that defining individuals as either “male” or “female” amounts to a “cruel and unscientific definition of sex.”

Van Meter disagrees.

“It is high time that governmental agencies at the national and local levels return to valid science, which reveals that there are two biologic sexes, and only two: male and female,” he said. “Gender identity is a social construct, not a biologic one, and gender-specific rights have no place in regulation or law.”