Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) backed House Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows (R-NC) for White House chief of staff on Monday, contending that President Donald Trump needs a “fighter” like Meadows for the position.

Reports have suggested that President Trump has considered making the North Carolina conservative his next chief of staff. Meadows said that it would be an “incredible honor” to serve the president in that capacity.

Biggs, a member of the House Freedom Caucus, backed Meadows for the White House position, suggesting that Meadows has served as a conservative champion in Congress.

“Mark Meadows is a proven conservative leader in Congress,” Biggs said in a statement on Monday. “Under his watch, the House Freedom Caucus has become one of the most-influential caucuses in the House. He would make an exceptional Chief of Staff for President Donald Trump.”

 The Arizona conservative contended that to combat Democrat obstruction in the House, Trump needs a “fighter” such as Meadows for the position to defend his America First policies.

“President Trump has accomplished a lot in his first two years in office. However, House Democrats are looking to overturn his endeavors and sideline his administration,” Biggs said.

“President Trump needs a fighter like Mark to wholeheartedly defend his policies of smaller government and economic prosperity,” the Arizona Republican continued. “I appreciate serving with Representative Meadows in the House and hope I will have a chance to work with him in the administration in the near future.”

Biggs joined Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) to back Meadows for the White House position. Gohmert said on Breitbart News Sunday that Meadows would serve as an “outstanding” White House chief of staff.

The Texas Republican also said that Meadows would also help protect the president from obstructionist staffers in the White House and various government agencies working to undermine his America First agenda.

“President Trump needs someone who understands his number one job is to protect the president, and that means to protect him from people in the White House, within the different departments that have been out to do destroy this presidency all along,” Gohmert said.