New York State Senator Kevin Parker, a member of the Democrat, told a woman on Twitter to kill herself, Tuesday. He apparently became enraged when she pointed out he parked his car in a bike lane.

After Deputy Communications Director of the New York Senate Majority Candice Giove complained on Twitter about Parker parking his car in a bike lane, Parker replied, “Kill yourself!”

Parker then deleted the tweet and apologized, posting, “I sincerely apologize. I used a poor choice of words. Suicide is a serious thing and should not be made light of.”

Despite apologizing to Giove, Parker continued to attack her on Twitter, claiming she was on “the wrong side of history.”

Twitter users quickly called for Parker’s resignation from the State Senate, with many expressing disbelief over his comments.

According to Gothamist, Parker “is known for having something of a temper,” and the state senator has previously been involved in several violent incidents.

“The [New York] Times wrote about several incidents involving him, saying he had ‘toxic’ anger,” Gothamist reported, adding that incidents have included him punching a traffic officer, attacking a New York Post photographer, and assaulting an aide before smashing her glasses.

Parker’s comment on Twitter goes against Twitter’s rules, which state users may not “wish for the serious physical harm, death, or disease of an individual,” or “promote or encourage suicide or self-harm.”

Twitter also prohibits “abuse” on the platform, which it defines as “the targeted harassment of someone,” and “an attempt to harass, intimidate, or silence someone else’s voice.”

As of this writing, Parker has not lost his verification or had his account suspended.

Breitbart Tech has reached out to Twitter for comment.

Charlie Nash is a reporter for Breitbart Tech. You can follow him on Twitter @MrNashington, or like his page at Facebook.