Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) said on Thursday that she will spend only “some” of her time in the next Congress “trying to get subpoenas and trying to do investigations.”

“Those who say I’m going to spend all my time trying to get subpoenas and trying to do investigations, and I’m not going to do that,” Waters, the new Financial Services Committee Chairwoman, joked to laughter. “I’m just going to spend some of my time.”

Waters, who has been one of the most vocal proponents of impeachment, blasted the Trump administration’s “erratic” behavior for tanking the stock market on Christmas Eve.

“The financial markets need certainty, and a Federal Reserve that can independently set monetary policy. The recent actions of the President and the Treasury Secretary, however, have been erratic and are creating uncertainty and instability in the markets,” Waters said then in a statement. “It would be in our nation’s best interest if they stopped what they are doing.”

Waters criticized the Trump administration after Trump expressed dissatisfaction with his Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin assured the country that banks have “ample liquidity.”

After Democrats won back the House in November, left-wing activists were thrilled that Waters would have the power to potentially subpoena Trump’s tax returns.

In November, Waters reportedly said that she is also planning to investigate Trump’s relationship with Deutsche Bank, telling The Hill that it is the “key to understanding the relationship between the president and members of the president’s family and money laundering and all of that.”

“We hope that we can move forward in a responsible way,” Waters added.