President Donald Trump continued ridiculing climate change alarmists with the news this week of record cold temperatures in the Midwest.

“What the hell is going on with Global Waming? [sic]” Trump asked on Twitter. “Please come back fast, we need you!”

The president noted that windchill temperatures were reaching -60 degrees in the Midwest. with expectations of even colder temperatures in some places.

“People can’t last outside even for minutes,” he wrote.

Trump’s trolling triggered many Hollywood celebrities, including Alec Baldwin and Cher.

Trump also mocked the environmentalist left in November.

“Brutal and Extended Cold Blast could shatter ALL RECORDS,” he wrote on Twitter. “Whatever happened to Global Warming?”

The president admitted that climate change was happening, but challenged scientists who claimed that it was caused by human consumption of natural resources.

“I’m not denying climate change. But it could very well go back, you know, we’re talkin’ about over a millions [of years,]” Trump said in an interview with CBS reporter Lesley Stahl in October 2018. “You don’t know whether or not that would have happened with or without man. You don’t know.”

When Stahl repeatedly cited scientific studies from NOAA and NASA, Trump replied, “You’d have to show me the scientists because they have a very big political agenda.”

In November, Trump said that it took a different level of intelligence to understand the truth about climate change.

“One of the problems that a lot of people like myself, we have very high levels of intelligence, but we’re not necessarily such believers,” he said, when the Washington Post challenged his views on climate change.

In the same interview, Trump recalled that in the past, scientists warned about global freezing instead of global warming.

“There is movement in the atmosphere. There’s no question,” he said. “As to whether or not it’s man-made and whether or not the effects that you’re talking about are there, I don’t see it — not nearly like it is.”