In case it was not obvious already that the establishment leftist media is in the tank for the Democrats against the Republicans, CNN’s Maeve Reston made it abundantly clear on Saturday when she tweeted about going shopping with 2020 Democrat presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA).

Reston, a CNN editorial official tasked with covering Harris’s 2020 campaign, tweeted on Saturday that she and others in media “kind of forced” Harris to try on a colorful coat–which she described as an “awesome oversized rainbow sequin jacket”–and then noted that Harris “snapped it up.” She gives credit to NBC News’s Ali Vitali for having “perfectly named” the new Harris wardrobe item “the Mardi Gras Jacket.”

Vitali further summarized the moment as one with “a lot of levity” and a “strong component of community activism” as well as “female business owners overcoming hardship to succeed”:

More of the media pushed this moment on Twitter too:

Conservatives and journalists like Brit Hume quickly ripped these media personalities for shopping for, and then promoting the campaign image of, Harris:

All this begs the question, would these media personalities ever do for a Republican what they did so willingly for Democrat Harris? Of course not, says Trump spokeswoman Katrina Pierson: