After his campaign announcement, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) jumped six percentage points in a Morning Consult poll that gauges support for 2020 Democratic presidential hopefuls.

Morning Consult noted Sanders’ sudden surge of support as the “largest single-week shift for a candidate so far in Morning Consult’s tracking.”

Sanders, who now trails Biden in second place, jumped from 21 percent of the potential Democratic primary vote share to 27 percent.

According to the poll, which was conducted from February 18-24, 2019, 51 percent of Democratic voters stated Biden is one of their top choices, while 38 percent say the same for Sanders.

It is worth noting that Biden, who is in first place, has the most support from Democratic voters ages 65 and older at 40 percent. Biden has the least amount of support from Democratic voters ages 18-2, with only 17 percent.

When Sanders and Biden supporters were asked who their second choice would be for president, Sanders’ supporters stated they would select Biden and Biden’s supporters said they would select Sanders.

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) follows Sanders in third place with only ten percent of support from Democratic voters. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) ranked in fourth place behind Harris.

The Morning Consult poll was formed by analyzing conducted interviews from 15,642 registered voters who plan to vote in a Democratic primary or caucus. The margin of error for this poll is +/- 1%.

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