Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-TX) adjourned a climate change hearing on Tuesday with the help of Republicans because not enough Democrats attended the hearing.

The House Natural Resources Committee held a hearing on Tuesday titled, “The Denial Playbook: How Industries Manipulate Science and Policy from Climate Change to Public Health,” which Democrats hoped could help push their climate change agenda.

At one point in the hearing, because not enough Democrats attended the hearing, Rep. Gohmert decided to adjourn the meeting.

The Texas conservative said at the hearing, “The ideas of eliminating cows or air travel are not promising starting points,” citing some possible solutions proposed in Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Ed Markey’s (D-MA) Green New Deal.

Gohmert then called for a motion to adjourn in which the chair of the hearing ruled that, via a voice vote, the Democrats won the motion to adjourn. However, Rep. Gohmert requested a recorded vote and the Republicans won the motion so the hearing soon ended.

Congressman Gohmert told Breitbart News in an exclusive comment on Tuesday that the Democrats’ hearing was about nothing more than politics.

“Even though this hearing included climate change discussion for the SEVENTH time, most of the hearing involved subjects clearly outside the jurisdiction of our Natural Resources subcommittee. In fact, most of the Democrats found it so far down their priorities that they did not attend,” Gohmert told Breitbart News. “While traumatic brain injury from contact sports, labor standards, occupational safety, and the opioid crisis deserve congressional scrutiny and are exceedingly important issues, our committee had no jurisdiction over them, meaning this hearing was all about politics and nothing at all about legislation that would fix any of these problems.

“When even the bulk of the Democrats would not attend the hearing, it made no sense to continue the hearing about matters our committee was not allowed to fix, so I made the motion to adjourn. It passed because most Democrats did not attend,” Gohmert said. “Our committee has very significant problems within our jurisdiction which are matters we should have been working on together.”

Sean Moran is a congressional reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter @SeanMoran3.