More than 6-in-10 New Yorkers say they oppose a plan to give driver’s licenses to illegal aliens living in the state, a new poll finds.

The latest Siena College Research Institute polling finds that, even in a deep blue state like New York, American voters oppose benefits for illegal aliens.

About 61 percent of voters said they oppose a plan to give state-issued driver’s licenses to illegal aliens. Only 34 percent of voters said they supported the plan and five percent said they were unsure.

Even among Democrats in the state, the plan does not receive resounding majority support. About 49 percent of New York Democrats said they support giving driver’s licenses to illegal aliens, though 45 of New York Democrats said they oppose such a policy.

Giving driver’s licenses to illegal aliens in New York is the most unpopular with Republicans, swing voters, and residents who live in upstate New York. For instance, 84 percent of GOP voters oppose the plan, as well as 71 percent of swing voters and 73 percent of upstate residents.

Roughly 6-in-10 of the state’s working and middle class are opposed to giving driver’s licenses to illegal aliens, while 70 percent of Jewish New Yorkers and 66 percent of Catholic New Yorkers likewise oppose the plan.

For months, Democrats in New York have plotted to pass a law, similar to that of California’s, that gives driver’s licenses to illegal aliens as part of their progressive to-do list since becoming the majority in the state Senate.

At least more than a million illegal aliens now have driver’s licenses in California today since the policy was passed in 2013.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder