President Donald Trump called for Congressman Adam Schiff to resign after the Democrat House Oversight Committee chairman spent two years accusing the president of colluding with Russia during the 2016 election.

“Congressman Adam Schiff, who spent two years knowingly and unlawfully lying and leaking, should be forced to resign from Congress!” Trump wrote on Twitter after Special Counsel Robert Meuller concluded that there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Schiff became the face of the Democrat effort to prosecute the president for alleged collusion with Russia and obstruction of justice, as he made frequent appearances on television to accuse the president and his campaign.

Trump also spoke about Schiff during an interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity on Wednesday night.

“Schiff is a bad guy because he knew that he was lying and for a year and a half he would just lie and lie and leak and call up CNN and others,” Trump said. “He knew it was a lie and he’d get into the back room with his friends in the Democrat party and they would laugh like hell at what they were doing, it was a disgrace.”

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy on Monday called for Schiff to step down from his position as the House Oversight Committee chairman.

“He should apologize to the American public and he should step back from being chair of the intel committee,” McCarthy said.

Trump said that Schiff was committing a “crime” by continuing to pursue the “collusion delusion” on television.

“He should be forced out of office, he is a disgrace to our country,” he said.

But Schiff vowed to continue investigating the president, insisting that there was “circumstantial and direct evidence” that there was collusion in the campaign.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said via a spokeswoman that she would not dismiss Schiff from his chairman position.

“Chairman Schiff has done an outstanding job and that’s the reason why he’s subject to these ridiculous attacks,” a Pelosi spokeswoman said in a statement to reporters on Tuesday.