Mark Morgan, who served as U.S. Border Patrol chief during the Obama administration, told Fox Business Network host Maria Bartiromo on Monday that the U.S.-Mexico border crisis has reached historic proportions.

A partial transcript is as follows: 

MARIA BARTIROMO: First, give us your sense of what is taking place at the border. Because it’s amazing to me, when I see these pictures which certainly look like a crisis, and yet, we can’t get the attention of, like, a Jerry Nadler or Nancy Pelosi in terms of actually doing something about these loopholes in the immigration law.

MARK MORGAN: Yeah, Maria, make no mistake, and I’ve been trying to get out here — this isn’t just a crisis, this is a crisis like we’ve never experienced in the history of this country since we started tracking numbers. And again, we’ve had that talk and that’s because of the demographics. There’s still this very false talking point out there that —
well, back in the ’90s, the numbers were higher — over a million.” Well, first of all, again, you got to remember they were Mexican adults, we were moving, deporting 90 percent of them. With the broken asylum laws and other loopholes that are there, we’re seeing 65 to 70 percent increase in family units, and because of those broken laws, we’re allowing them in. This year, we’re expected to hit a million, but we’re going to let 650,000 into the country. That’s driving this crisis, driving our resources, being overwhelmed. We have to address it.