Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris demanded Thursday that Special Counsel Robert Mueller testify before Congress while accusing the attorney general of serving as the president’s defense attorney.

Harris responded to Attorney General Bill Barr’s morning press conference on the Mueller report at the time it was released later the same morning.

“The attorney general’s press conference today should concern us all,” Harris said, calling it “filled with political spin and propaganda.” She accused Barr of acting “more like the president’s defense attorney than our nation’s Attorney General.”

Harris demanded that Congress receive the Mueller report “in full along with all underlying investigative materials.” 

She went on, “As a Member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, I know a selectively redacted version of the report is not sufficient for Congress to fulfill its responsibility to conduct meaningful oversight over this investigation and decisions made by Trump administration officials surrounding its conclusion.”

“Barr’s actions have made it impossible for the American people to have faith that the Justice Department’s handling of this process was anything but partisan,” Harris charged. “Americans deserve the unvarnished truth.”

The Senator from California demanded that Mueller “testify in Congress before the public can even begin to trust this process or have confidence in the rule of law.” 

Michelle Moons is a White House Correspondent for Breitbart News — follow on Twitter @MichelleDiana and Facebook