Former Vice President Joe Biden demonstrated with Stop and Shop employees on Thursday, accusing Wall Street of mistreating their workers despite getting tax cuts from President Donald Trump.

“Let me get something straight with you all, Wall Street bankers and CEOs did not build America,” he said, during his speech to the striking workers in Massachusetts. “You built America, we built America, ordinary middle-class people built America!”

He said that unions were the ones that build the middle class.

“Guys that’s not hyperbole, that’s just a simple fact, that’s a fact,” he said.

Stop & Shop workers went on strike after the company cut wages and benefits, despite the company making $4 billion in profits in the last two years.

Biden specifically criticized the company for taking advantage of President Donald Trump’s “scam” tax cut and buying back stock.

“They’re not unique here, it’s happening all over corporate America,” he said.

Biden expressed his frustration with the economic status quo, accusing companies of failing to share profits and success.

“This is wrong. This is morally wrong what’s going on around this country,” he said. “And I’ve had enough of it! I’m sick of it! And so are you!”

He repeated that he was “sick and tired” of the way that Americans continued to fail to recognize the dignity of American workers.

“We gotta stand together and if we do, we’re going to take back this country!” he concluded as the crowd cheered.