Appearing Friday on CNN’s New Day, Susan Bro, the mother of Heather Heyer who was killed during the Charlottesville protest, says former Vice President Joe Biden did not give her advance notice that her daughter’s death would be referenced in his 2020 presidential campaign announcement video.


A partial transcript is as follows: 

ALISYN CAMEROTA: So tell us about your morning, yesterday. How did you discover that former VP Biden had made the story of Heather’s death one of the focal points of his campaign launch?

SUSAN BRO: I started getting phone calls at 20 after seven in the morning from the press saying “how do you feel about this?” I rolled over and looked at my phone and said feel about what. I was sound asleep.

CAMEROTA: And how, once you figured out what they were talking about and gathered your thoughts, how did you feel about it?

BRO: I guess I’m not surprised. It seems like Charlottesville has been a defining moment for a lot of people. I don’t think we’re seen [Biden] in town. I don’t think he’s ever been here or maybe he has in the past. I don’t know. It was just sort of a feeling of “Well, here we go again” because it’s refered to so often in news articles, stories. It will show up at the most unexpected moment. I’ll be watching something on T.V. and there it will be again. So, it happens a lot.

CAMEROTA: Of course, it’s never far from your mind and your heart. Did former VP Biden call you about this?

BRO: I got a call from him yesterday at 4:30 in the afternoon. That was the first time I had ever spoken to Joe Biden or anybody related to his office or anything.