Vice President Mike Pence promised at the Satellite 2019 Conference in Washington, D.C., this week that the first woman on the moon will be an American.

“It’s the greatest honor of my life to help this President renew American leadership in space,” Pence told a crowd as he referenced President Donald Trump appointing him to serve on the revived National Space Council. The crowd applauded.

“From early on, President Trump has been taking action to do just that,” Pence affirmed. “The president signed what is known as ‘Space Policy Directive-1,’ which makes it our national policy of the United States to return to the moon, and to put Americans on Mars, and to bring renewed focus to human exploration in the infinite frontier.”

More applause came when the vice president lauded President Trump’s promise to put an American back on the moon within five years and that the next man and woman on the moon will be Americans.

“Just two months ago, during the fifth meeting of the National Space Council in ‘Rocket City’ in Huntsville, Alabama, it was also my privilege to announce that, at President Trump’s direction, the United States will return to the moon within the next five years,” said Pence who went on, “and the first woman and the next man on the moon will be Americans.”

Pence emphasized the Trump administration’s pride in plans to, by year’s end, “launch American astronauts, on American rockets, from American soil into the vast expanse of space.

Michelle Moons is a White House Correspondent for Breitbart News — follow on Twitter @MichelleDiana and Facebook