Mayor Pete Buttigieg promised to remove President Donald Trump’s tough tariffs on China if elected president.

“Yes. The tariffs are counterproductive,” Buttigieg said, affirming that he would remove them if he took office.

Buttigieg commented on his political strategy on China during a conversation with the Washington Post reporter Robert Costa.

Buttigieg said that he would have a “new conversation” with China if elected president.

“I would not have put up these tariffs in the first place, first of all, tariffs are taxes on Americans,” he said.

Buttigieg said that he agreed with the concept of standing up to China, but said that tariffs were not the answer.

“If we really want to be serious about competing with China, we gotta invest in American domestic competitiveness, we have got to figure out how we can have a more orderly disentanglement of things like 5G technology where they are establishing technological superiority,” he said.