A new poll released this week shows the Republican candidate for North Carolina’s 9th Congressional District special election with an early lead over his Democrat challenger.

Of the 350 respondents, all of which live in North Carolina’s 9th Congressional District, 46 percent stated they would vote for Republican Dan Bishop if the election were held today, while 42 percent of voters said they would support Democrat Dan McCready. Ten percent of voters remain undecided.

In the eight-question survey, which was conducted from May 21-24, voters were asked if they would rather have a Democrat or Republican represent them in Congress. More than half, 52 percent, said they would like a Republican to represent them, while only 41 percent said they prefer a Democrat.

Also highlighted in the poll was the 9th District’s approval of President Trump’s job performance. Fifty-five percent of voters said they approve of the president’s performance, while a mere 33 percent stated they disapprove.

In the 2016 Presidential election, North Carolina’s 9th Congressional District favored President Trump 54-43 percent.

The JMC Analytics and Polling survey was conducted from May 21-24. It has a margin of error, with a 95% confidence interval, of 5.2%. The demographic breakdown of the respondents was 74-18% white/black (9% “other”), while the party registration of respondents was 43-34% Democratic/Republican (23% Independents). The geographic breakdown of the respondents was as follows: 10% from Cumberland County, 31% from Mecklenburg County, 14% from Robeson County, 18% from the other rural counties, and 27% from Union County.

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