New York Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) is publicly grumbling about the Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) stringent debate qualifications, arguing that they will prevent “diversity.”

The Big Apple mayor and long-shot 2020 candidate spoke with NY1’s Errol Louis Monday and voiced his concerns with the DNC’s upcoming criteria, particularly for primary debates scheduled later in the year.

In order to qualify for the first two debates, candidates must garner at least one percent in three DNC-approved polls or reach 65,000 individual donors, with 200 in at least 20 different states. The DNC upped the ante for the third and fourth primary debates, requiring candidates to reach at least two percent in four approved polls or secure 130,000 individual donors, doubling the number from the previously required 65,000.

That is unfair, according to de Blasio. He believes the stringent requirements “limit the diversity of the field.”

“[130,000] is a huge number, and I appreciate the impulse, but I think we have to ask the question, is this going to limit the debate and limit the diversity of the field and limit the options for voters in a way that’s unhelpful?” de Blasio said, arguing that voters want to hear from as many candidates as possible.

“I’m going to look at that situation or that next round in the fall, but I do hope the DNC remembers that we’re always better off being inclusive,” he continued before issuing a general warning.

“We have to be careful going forward because this is the most diverse field in every sense we’ve ever had in the history of Democratic Party. That’s a beautiful thing,” he said.

“Every region of the country represented, people of all backgrounds represented. It’s really healthy for the party,” he added.

De Blasio has been struggling to garner one percent support in the polls. He currently averages 0.5 percent.

A recent Siena College Research Institute poll shows de Blasio with a lower favorability rating than President Trump in New York.