Former Vice President Joe Biden returned to the swamp of Washington, DC, on Monday night for a fundraiser.

The fundraiser was held by former Ambassador Elizabeth Bagley, a wealthy political fundraiser for Democrats. Biden’s former Senate colleagues Sen. Evan Bayh and Sen. Chris Dodd also attended the event, as they both became lobbyists after leaving office.

The former vice president spoke about how if he was elected president, he would return politics back to normal before Trump was elected.

“This ain’t your father’s Republican Party,” Biden said.

He argued that Republicans in Congress would start working with Democrats, once Trump was defeated.

“With Trump gone you’re going to begin to see things change. Because these folks know better. They know this isn’t what they’re supposed to be doing,” Biden said.

Biden warned that if Trump was re-elected, he would permanently change the country and politics in Washington.

“Four years of this president will go down as an aberration. … Eight years of Donald Trump will fundamentally change who we are in profound ways,” he said.

He criticized fellow Democrats for fighting each other in the 2020 primary.

The infighting, he said, was only “increasing the chances that this fella’ will win.“

Biden defended his decision to skip the Iowa Democratic Party dinner for his daughter’s graduation.

“One of my competitors criticized me for not going to Iowa to talk for five minutes,” he said. “My granddaughter was graduating. It was my daughter’s birthday. I would skip inauguration for that.”

But his attendance at his granddaughter’s graduation left him in Washington with time to attend the fundraiser.

Biden travels to Iowa on Tuesday for a series of campaign events.