President Donald Trump offered a tribute to American farmers on Tuesday, during a speech in Iowa.

The president noted that farmers were essential to the founding of the United States and provided the toughness necessary for the country to sustain itself.

“We know that our nation was founded by farmers. Our independence was won by farmers. Our continent was settled by farmers, our armies have been fed by farmers and made of farmers,” he said. “Throughout our history, farmers have always led the way.”

Trump recalled visiting France and England earlier in the month where he commemorated the 75th Anniversary of the D-Day landing in World War II.

“In that great crusade, thousands of American farm boys sailed halfway around the world and gave their youth, gave their tears, their blood, and gave their lives, in many cases, for our country and for our freedom,” he said. “Many farm boys.”

He celebrated the patriotic spirit in the hearts of the men who fought in World War II, noting that it flourished in America’s heartland.

“America’s farmers are not just the keepers of a cherished legacy. You are the guardians of a way of life — a great, beautiful way of life,” he said. “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

He noted that farmers continued the proud tradition of working the land in America.

“You love this land because it’s a part of you. You pour out your sweat, your love, and your devotion into this soil each and every day,” he said.

The virtues of farming, he continued, were essential to the character of the United States.

“From generation to generation, you pass down that tradition of American grit, American skill, and American pride,” he said. “Throughout our history, America’s farmers have always been there to keep our country strong and independent and free.”

Trump acknowledged that farmers had suffered from low crop prices in the recent decade and also were targeted by China’s economic tariffs, but vowed to keep fighting for them.

“Every day of my presidency, we will never stop fighting for our farmers, or for our country, and for our great American flag. Never stop. Because we know that farm country is God’s country,” he concluded.