Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) had a number of “breakout” moments during Thursday’s debate, from zingers to challenges aimed at fellow candidates – particularly hitting Democrat frontrunner Joe Biden (D).

Harris made it clear that she intends to move to the top tier of candidates, frequently injecting herself in a number of disputes throughout the debate. Here are her top five moments.

1. Harris lectured candidates for bickering, triggering applause from the audience.

“Hey guys, you know what? America does not want to witness a food fight, they want to know how we’re going to put food on their table.”

2. Harris essentially justified parents who send their children off with human traffickers, in an attempt to knock President Trump.

“Why would that mother do that? I will tell you. Because she has decided for that child to remain where they are is worse. But what does Donald Trump do? He says go back to where you came from. That is not reflective of our America and our values and it’s got to end.”

3. She promised to take executive action on DACA, “release children from cages,” and “get rid of private detention centers” on day one.

“I will ensure that this microphone that the president of the United States holds in her hand is used in a way that is about reflecting the values of our country.”

4. Harris used her minority status to speak on the issue of race, to thunderous applause.

“As the only black person on this stage, I would like to speak on the issue of race.”

5. Harris confronted Biden on race issues and particularly grilled his opposition to busing.

“Vice President Biden, do you agree today, do you agree that you were wrong to oppose bussing in America then? Do you agree?”