The New York City Police Department Sergeants Benevolent Association mocked Democrat presidential hopeful and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio in a tweet Sunday after his absence during a portion of Manhattan’s major power outage.

The tweet targeted Bill de Blasio on several challenges the Big Apple currently faces, including its homeless population, problems with public housing, a transit system in disarray, and more.

The tweet reads: “MISSING PERSON ALERT- if seen please return to NYC, it’s the city that had a blackout, has homeless all over the streets, people being killed by bicycles, broken down public housing, & a transit system that’s a mess. Subject is on presidential campaign with plans to destroy a nation”

Attached to the tweet was a photo of de Blasio holding a Busch Beer and posing with two unidentified men.

During the Manhattan blackout, which affected nearly 72,000 New York City residents, de Blasio was campaigning in Waterloo, Iowa.

De Blasio’s absence drew immense criticism from many in New York, including Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

“Look, mayors are important and situations like this come up, you know and you have to be on site,” Cuomo said. “I’ve been governor of New York for eight years. In that time I can count the number of times I left the state on my fingers.”

De Blasio defended his absence to reporters on Sunday and said: “I was going to have to provide guidance wherever I was.”

“With modern communications, the minute it was clear we had a serious situation, I was on the phone to all these folks and we were talking constantly,” de Blasio said.

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