House Judiciary Committee Chair Jerrold Nadler plowed past Louisiana Republican Mike Johnson’s question of motive for Wednesday’s Mueller hearing.

“Was the point of this hearing to get Mr. Mueller to recommend impeachment?” Johnson asked Nadler in a point of inquiry.

“That is not a fair point of inquiry,” Nadler deflected. As Johnson tried to continue, Nadler pushed forward by recognizing the next questioner. Johnson then repeatedly tried, and failed, to get a response, before finally falling silent.

The Wednesday morning testimony of Special Counsel Robert Mueller in regards to his investigation into supposed ties between President Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and Russia ended up going well beyond its stated end, with a request by Nadler for Mueller’s “indulgence.”

By the time the hearing wrapped up, the additional time did not seem to have helped. Contrary to Democrat hopes, Mueller’s “dazed and confused” testimony did not provide grounds for impeachment. In fact, it seemed to have hurt more than helped the Left’s cause.