President Donald Trump expressed his disappointment with Democrats on Friday for continuing to push the idea of impeachment proceedings, suggesting that the House could investigate former President Barack Obama instead.

“We want to find out what happened with the last Democrat president, let’s look into Obama the way that they’ve looked at me from Day One, they’ve looked into everything that we’ve done,” he said. “They could look into the book deal that President Obama made.”

The president spoke about the possible investigation with reporters at the White House after a signing agreement with Guatemala.

Obama and his wife Michelle famously signed a book deal estimated at $65 million in 2017.

Trump appeared to use the example of the book deal to show that Republicans never took their presidential investigations as far as Democrats do in Congress.

He noted that Republicans were “gentlemen and women” for not harassing Obama and Clinton with subpoenas when they were in the majority, unlike Democrats.

Trump predicted that Republicans would probably take back majorities in the House and keep the Senate in 2020 and the presidency.

He noted that the ongoing march toward impeachment was “politics” in order to rally their base in 2020.

“It’s a disgrace that they’re doing it, they’re doing it for political reasons and most of them, many of them are admitting that it’s politics,” he said.