John Solomon writes in The Hill that a failure to play offence against the Democrats on the issue of health care could hinder Donald Trump’s prospects for reelection in 2020:

Right now, the Grand Old Party is driving its latest health care train toward a ledge, rushing to release a plan early this fall, crafted by conservative academics and establishment policy wonks far removed from the 63 million everyday Americans who put Trump in office. It’s not too late to tap the brakes and reset the compass.

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First, Republicans must cogently educate the public on how ObamaCare fundamentally altered private health care for the worse — creating mega-medicine giants who have hijacked the patient-doctor relationship, put profit over personalized care and set the stage for the one-size-fits-all prescription of single-payer universal health care.

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The plan needs 10 or fewer propositions — much like former House Speaker Newt Gingrich’s “Contract with America” that sealed the 1994 election. Choice, affordability, protecting pre-existing conditions and restoring the doctor-patient relationship eroded by ObamaCare must be pillars.

Read the rest of the article here.