Former FBI Director James Comey suggested in a tweet on Sunday that President Trump is far too narcissistic to focus on important matters, such as the mass shooting in Texas or the hurricane eyeing the U.S. east coast.

“It’s Sunday morning. A devastating hurricane is approaching. A gunman just slaughtered innocents in Texas. But the President of the United States is wasting time airing personal grievances and live-Tweeting Fox,” Comey wrote.

“Narcissism is not leadership. America deserves better,” he added:

Despite Comey’s assertion, President Trump has continually addressed the devastating shooting in Texas, as well as the looming threat of Hurricane Dorian.

Speaking to reporters following Saturday’s shooting in the Midland-Odessa region of Texas, which resulted in seven dead and 22 others injured, Trump said that the left’s call for increased background checks would do little to stop many of the attacks the U.S. has recently seen.

“I will say that for the most part, sadly if you look at the last four or five going back even five or six or seven years, for the most part, as strong as you make your background checks, they would not have stopped any of it,” he said.

Trump did say, though, that his administration is in the “process of dealing with Democrats and Republicans” to create a “big package of things that’s going to be put before them by a lot of different people.”

“I’ve been speaking to a lot of senators, a lot of house members, Republicans, Democrats,” Trump said.

“This really hasn’t changed anything,” he added. “We’re doing a package and we’ll see how it comes about.”

Trump has also vigorously retweeted updates from the National Hurricane Center and has actively warned those in Hurricane Dorian’s path to heed the warnings of local officials.

It is likely that Comey is referring to Trump’s previous tweets, mocking the fallout from the damning Department of Justice (DOJ) Inspector General report released last week, which concluded that Comey broke FBI policies.