President Trump is a “corrupt human tornado,” failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton concluded in a tweet on Monday.

Clinton weighed in on last week’s impeachment-dominated drama on Capitol Hill on Monday, deeming the president a “corrupt human tornado” in a tweet to her 25.5 million Twitter followers:

Clinton dropped the same line during an appearance on CBS Sunday Morning and added that she considers Trump an “illegitimate president,” despite his tremendous victory in 2016’s free and fair election.

“No, it doesn’t kill me because he knows he’s an illegitimate president,” Clinton said when asked if calls to “lock her up” bother her.

“I believe he understands that the many varying tactics they used – from voter suppression and voter purging to hacking to the false stories — he knows that there were just a bunch of different reasons why the election turned out like it did,” she continued, dismissing the fact that Trump legitimately won with 304 Electoral College votes to her 227, in part, by winning over states like Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.

“You know, Jane, it was like applying for a job and getting 66 million letters of recommendation and losing to a corrupt human tornado,” Clinton lamented.

“And so, I know that he knows that this wasn’t on the level,” she added. “I don’t know that we’ll ever know what happened.”

The former secretary of state’s tweet follows reports of the State Department widening its probe into Clinton’s use of a private email server. State Department investigators reached out to at least 130 individuals, some of whom “reported directly to Clinton as well as others in lower-level jobs whose emails were at some point relayed to her inbox, said current and former State Department officials,” the Washington Post reported:

Those targeted were notified that emails they sent years ago have been retroactively classified and now constitute potential security violations, according to letters reviewed by The Washington Post.

In virtually all of the cases, potentially sensitive information, now recategorized as “classified,” was sent to Clinton’s unsecure inbox.

Officials confirmed that the move has “nothing to do with who is in the White House.”

“This has nothing to do with who is in the White House,” an official said. “This is about the time it took to go through millions of emails, which is about three and a half years.”

As Breitbart News reported:

An FBI examination of Clinton’s server found over 100 emails containing classified information, including 65 emails deemed “Secret” and 22 deemed “Top Secret”. An additional 2,093 emails not marked classified were retroactively classified by the State Department.

A Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) investigation into Clinton’s server found at least 100 emails containing classified information, including 65 emails declared “Secret” and 22 regarded as “Top Secret.” Additionally, the State Department retroactively classified 2,093 emails that were not initially marked as such.

Some experts charge Clinton broke multiple laws, including 18 U.S. Code § 1924, which forbids “unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or material.”

Despite that, former FBI Director James Comey exonerated Clinton, recommending no charges for the former secretary of state.

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) reacted to the expansion of the probe with indignation, claiming that Clinton “served our country with distinction” and “put our country first”:

Clinton thanked Harris, responding with a sarcastic “but my emails”: